Category: CharlotteNC-116

Categories: All Stores, ArrowheadAZ-124, AustinTX-104, BocaRaton-101, BrokenArrowOK-112, CasperWY-137, CharlotteNC-116, ClovisCA-113, ConcordNC-131, coronaNY-117, DC-102, DenverCO-106, DesMoines-134, FlowerMoundTX-140, gallowayoh-139, GastoniaNC-111, GatosCA-128, Gilbert, GreeleyCO-123, GreensboroNC-120, HoustonTX-114, LafayetteLA-118, LancasterPA-130, LubockTX-109, MidlandTX-103, MinneapolisMN-110, MooresvilleNC-105, NorwoodMA-127, RandolphNJ-126, RockHillSC-129, RTP-119, SaltLakeUT-122, SLO-115, SouthDavisUT-136, SouthRenoNV-132, SummerlinNY-133, TampaFL-108, ThorntonCo-138, Uncategorized, WeatherfordTX-125, WilcoTX-121

At Home Tire Installation — No Contact, We Come to You

It doesn’t matter how much or little you drive. Everyone needs a new set of tires eventually. Whether you got a flat tire on the road or your tread is looking worn out, new tires are a purchase we all have to make sooner or later.

Do you want to deal with a waiting room when that time comes? Learn how you can skip the waiting room and get your tires delivered safely and comfortably with at home tire installation.

COVID-19 Makes Customers Rethink Waiting Rooms

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching impact on the world around us. Even as some parts of the country begin to reopen, the safety measures instituted by businesses will likely stay in place for a while. For many businesses, that means social distancing, frequent disinfection, and facemasks. Some businesses have even converted parking lots into waiting rooms.

These procedures, while important for public health, take what is already a frustrating or inconvenient experience and add a new level of stress. How can customers be sure the waiting rooms are clean? It may be easy to trust a business to follow the rules, but people cannot control the actions of other customers.

Even with the extra precautions, it’s understandable that many people would prefer to avoid going out and risking a waiting room. Thankfully, mobile services like at home tire-installation are changing the game. Now, people can get the services they need from the comfort of their own homes without the risk of exposure in a crowded tire shop.

Schedule Essential Services from the Comfort of Your Couch

Businesses and essential services are finding new and ingenious ways to reach customers during even the most difficult of times. Dine-in restaurants offer meal-prep kits customers can make at home. Doctors are offering virtual visits through tele-health services. Meanwhile, one company is disrupting the entire retail tire industry by forgoing brick-and-mortar locations altogether.

At home tire installation with Tread Connection is changing the way customers think about buying tires both during coronavirus and in the future. Mobile tire services offer zero-contact installation performed at your home or office. This provides a much-needed option for consumers that is not only safer but also more convenient.

It’s all as easy as scheduling your next tire service online. From there, a TIA-certified technician will arrive at your location to take care of your requested service. And mobile tire services offer more than at home tire installation. Customers can choose from a range of services, including flat repair, tire balancing, TPMS sensor replacement, and more.

Find the Tires You Need and Avoid the Waiting Room

There’s no need to put yourself or your family at unnecessary risk for a set of tires. There’s also no reason to spend your precious time in a stuffy, and potentially unsafe, tire shop waiting room. With at home tire installation, you can bring the tire shop to you.

Learn how you can find great value on the most popular tires and brands without ever leaving your couch. Find a Tread Connection van near you, and schedule your next service at a time and place that works for you and your family.


Categories: All Stores, ArrowheadAZ-124, AustinTX-104, BocaRaton-101, BrokenArrowOK-112, CasperWY-137, CharlotteNC-116, ClovisCA-113, ConcordNC-131, coronaNY-117, DC-102, DenverCO-106, DesMoines-134, FlowerMoundTX-140, gallowayoh-139, GastoniaNC-111, GatosCA-128, Gilbert, GreeleyCO-123, GreensboroNC-120, HoustonTX-114, LafayetteLA-118, LancasterPA-130, LubockTX-109, MidlandTX-103, MinneapolisMN-110, MooresvilleNC-105, NorwoodMA-127, RandolphNJ-126, RockHillSC-129, RTP-119, SaltLakeUT-122, SLO-115, SouthDavisUT-136, SouthRenoNV-132, SummerlinNY-133, TampaFL-108, ThorntonCo-138, Uncategorized, WeatherfordTX-125, WilcoTX-121

I just had a tire blow out and I want to know what I should do right now so that I don’t cause any damage to my vehicle. Walk me through the first steps I should take–from carefully getting to safety to getting the tire repaired or replaced.

It’s a motorist’s worst nightmare. You’re cruising down the highway when suddenly you hear a loud bang! The next thing you know, there is a loud flapping coming from underneath your car. You have a blown out tire.

If you don’t know what to do in this situation, it could spell disaster for you, your passengers, and other drivers. A report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows there were 738 fatalities from tire-related crashes in 2017.

Do you know what to do if you get a blown out tire on the highway? It’s important for every driver to know how to respond to protect their safety and the safety of the other drivers. Here’s what you need to know

Don’t Panic!

Hearing your tire blow can be a shocking and frightening ordeal. The most important thing to remember is to stay calm and not to panic. Your car may jerk to one side or push you toward the side where your tire blew. Do not pull the wheel to one side or the other.

Attempting to overcorrect your steering can cause the car to lose control. Maintain your composure, keep both hands on the wheel, and keep your car moving straight.

Don’t Hit the Brakes!

Your first instinct when you experience a blown tire may be to slam on the brake pedal. This is exactly what you should NOT do. Trying to brake suddenly during a blowout can cause your wheels to lock up, resulting in loss of control of your vehicle. Your car could fishtail or spin out and hit other vehicles.

Instead of hitting the brakes, the best thing you can do is try your best to maintain your speed. Slowly take your foot off the gas and allow your car to decelerate naturally.

Keep both hands on the wheel at the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock positions and keep your vehicle straight as you slow down. After your speed drops to a safe level below 30 mph, you can start to apply the brakes slowly.

Pull Over as Safely as Possible

Once your vehicle has decelerated to a safe speed, you can slowly pull your vehicle over to the side of the road. Make sure you are far enough on the shoulder to provide ample space between you and oncoming traffic so that you and your passengers are safe.

When your car has safely stopped, and you’re out of harm’s way, you can finally take a deep breath. Now that you’re on the side of the road, you should turn on your vehicle’s hazard lights. This signals other drivers that something is wrong and that they should take caution around your car.

Before you open the door, look carefully for oncoming traffic. When the coast is clear, it’s time to step out and survey the damage.

Turn on Your Hazard Lights and Survey the Damage

The next thing you need to do is see how bad the damage is to your tire. If it turns out your tire has low pressure, then you may be able to repair your flat tire. However, if you’ve suffered a blowout, then the damage will be obvious.

A blowout is much more severe than accidentally driving on a flat tire. If your tire has blown, then you may run the risk of having damaged your wheel also. Do not try to drive your vehicle once your tire has blown. Your best option is always to install your spare or wait for help to arrive.

Install Your Spare

When you remove your blown out tire, it’s going to look like a mess. Rubber will be ripped and torn, and there may be cables or wire sticking out from where the tire failed. Your tire is still attached to your wheel, which you’re going to need when you replace the blown tire.

Remove your spare tire from your vehicle. It’s often located in a compartment on the bottom of your trunk or affixed to the back or underside of your car. Then carefully remove the blown tire and store it in the trunk of your vehicle. The next step is installing your spare tire and getting your care to a safer location where you can get a more permanent fix.

Get Your Car to a Safe Space

If you have a blown out tire on the road, then getting your car to a safe location should be your top priority. Look for a place like a nearby business or parking lot. This will help to get you and your vehicle away from dangerous traffic and give you the opportunity to make repairs.

Contact Tread Connection

Don’t panic if you’ve become the victim of a blown out tire. Contact the certified tire experts at Tread Connection for flat tire repair and buy new tires on a schedule that works for you.

Just make sure your vehicle is in a safe and secure location where our van has plenty of room to work. Our certified tire experts will take care of the rest.

You can always trust Tread Connection to get you back on the road, on your schedule. Find a Tread Connection van in your area and learn how we can take care of your blown tire today!






Categories: All Stores, ArrowheadAZ-124, AustinTX-104, BocaRaton-101, BrokenArrowOK-112, CasperWY-137, CharlotteNC-116, ClovisCA-113, ConcordNC-131, coronaNY-117, DC-102, DenverCO-106, DesMoines-134, FlowerMoundTX-140, gallowayoh-139, GastoniaNC-111, GatosCA-128, Gilbert, GreeleyCO-123, GreensboroNC-120, HoustonTX-114, LafayetteLA-118, LancasterPA-130, LubockTX-109, MidlandTX-103, MinneapolisMN-110, MooresvilleNC-105, NorwoodMA-127, RandolphNJ-126, RockHillSC-129, RTP-119, SaltLakeUT-122, SLO-115, SouthDavisUT-136, SouthRenoNV-132, SummerlinNY-133, TampaFL-108, ThorntonCo-138, Uncategorized, WeatherfordTX-125, WilcoTX-121

Delivery has never been more popular than it is now. What was once the purview of mail-order shopping and pizzas has become routine for how most Americans find their favorite products. Now, other industries are taking notice and cashing in on convenience.

From shipping through Amazon to cashing checks online with their phones, people can now live more of their lives without ever having to leave the couch. This has had a huge impact on the way customers view other services as well, including tire services!

Learn what you need to know about the rise of mobile business and why the future of tire sales and other services brings the service to the customer, not the other way around.

Customers Want More Than Goods Delivered, They Want Services Too

There’s no question that Amazon has forever changed the way people think about delivery. The popularity of the online juggernaut has made it easier than ever to order everything from your weekly groceries to an entire house and have it delivered to your door.

It’s clear that you can order just about anything online, but people want more than just products at home; they also want services! And we’re talking about more than traditional home services like HVAC, cleaning, or plumbing.

Customers want services that were once unique to brick-and-mortar stores from the convenience of home. Chief among these services making the leap are at-home tire services. Thanks to the latest technology, mobile tire workstations like those from Tread Connection are a convenient tire shop on wheels!

People Value Their Time as Much as Their Money

They say that time is money, and there’s definitely something to be said for that these days. In fact, time is more valuable than money for many people. This is a big reason why so many customers are willing to pay for a service that helps them save time while providing them with precious freedom during the day.

A trip to a typical tire shop has long been a dreaded experience, with hours spent in cramped and congested waiting rooms. This often means taking time off of work and sacrificing valuable vacation hours. If you’re lucky, you might have a laptop and a waiting room with wi-fi to work from the tire shop, but it’s hardly a place designed for productivity.

Mobile businesses take the brick-and-mortar store out of the equation. By meeting the customer at their home or office on their schedule, people can find and install a full set of tires without ever having to leave their couch or desk. The result is that people get their day back and save valuable time that they would rather use doing something else.

Customers Want Convenience

And it’s more than time that is driving the rise of the mobile business model. Customers have also become accusomted to convenience. They want this same convenience extended to other parts of their lives as well.

Many of the services that are essential to our daily lives can now be accessed directly from our phones. Everything from school to doctor’s visits can be ordered and scheduled online. This has led customers to ask why tire services can’t be just as convenient.

A mobile business such as a mobile tire franchise does more than deliver tires direct to someone’s door. They also install, repair, and service tires at someone’s home or office. Now, instead of driving on a spare or getting a tow to the nearest shop, the customer can bring the shop to them!

Customers are Less Willing to Wait at Stores

As convenience and online ordering become commonplace, many customers are less willing to spend time waiting in a cramped waiting room. The lingering anxiety of the coronavirus pandemic has taken the trend and amplified it by adding the risk of viral infection to the mix.

Most people aren’t even comfortable eating inside a restaurant, much less sitting for hours in an auto shop waiting room. While many businesses are doing everything they can to improve sanitation and encourage social distancing, the fear of infection is still in the back of many people’s minds.

Why would someone choose to put themselves at risk when they could avoid the risk entirely? The solution for many people has been to forgo leaving the home and instead bring their essential services directly to them.

Take the Tire Shop to Your Customers With Tread Connection!

By combining the safety of touchless service with the convenience of at-home delivery, a mobile business like a Tread Connection franchise is perfectly positioned to not only handle the current economic climate but also stay at the front of a growing trend that is ready to become the norm.

Are you ready to take advantage of a mobile business disrupting the way people across the country take care of their tires? See how you can start your Tread Connection franchise today!







Categories: All Stores, ArrowheadAZ-124, AustinTX-104, BocaRaton-101, BrokenArrowOK-112, CasperWY-137, CharlotteNC-116, ClovisCA-113, ConcordNC-131, coronaNY-117, DC-102, DenverCO-106, DesMoines-134, FlowerMoundTX-140, gallowayoh-139, GastoniaNC-111, GatosCA-128, Gilbert, GreeleyCO-123, GreensboroNC-120, HoustonTX-114, LafayetteLA-118, LancasterPA-130, LubockTX-109, MidlandTX-103, MinneapolisMN-110, MooresvilleNC-105, NorwoodMA-127, RandolphNJ-126, RockHillSC-129, RTP-119, SaltLakeUT-122, SLO-115, SouthDavisUT-136, SouthRenoNV-132, SummerlinNY-133, TampaFL-108, ThorntonCo-138, Uncategorized, WeatherfordTX-125, WilcoTX-121

I need to replace my tires, and I’m on a budget. What are the qualities of a good economy tire? Is there anything I should avoid?

Everyone wants to find the best deal when it comes to buying a new set of tires. Purchasing a full set of tires can be an expensive proposition. It’s not surprising that many people look for an economy tire when it comes to purchasing their next set.

Of course, finding the right set of economy tires doesn’t mean settling for cheap tires. That’s why it is important to focus on value when it comes to tires, instead of just the price.

Here is what you need to know to ensure you’re getting the value you deserve on your next set of economy tires.

What Are You Using Your Tires For?

One of the first questions worth asking is the reason you’re buying tires in the first place. Obviously, you’re using your tires to get around. What we mean is if you’re using them for a specific purpose. If you’re getting specialty tires for a performance or off-road vehicle, then there are certain qualities you want to look for that may not be as important with a commuter vehicle.

Are you looking for an insane set of mud tires with the tread and traction you need to dominate the outdoors? Maybe you feel the need for speed and need a set of high-performance tires for racing a high-performance vehicle.

Think about what you want to get out of your tires and what’s important to you. Once you know what you’re looking for, you’ll be better prepared to find the right value.

Review The Tread Warranty

When you purchase a new set of tires, you want them to last as long as possible. Depending on how often you drive, the average set of tires usually lasts anywhere from three to five years. This translates to your tires lasting for close to 70,000 miles, provided you keep up with regular maintenance and don’t drive like a maniac.

Your tires probably come with what is called a “treadwear warranty” from the manufacturer that is good for up to a certain number of miles. This warranty may vary depending on the cost of your tires. Make sure you double-check your treadwear warranty because the difference could be anywhere from 5,000 to 20,000 miles, depending on the tire.

Check the Speed Rating

Another factor that can impact the price of your tires is the speed rating. This is usually indicated by a letter at the end of your tire model number. Depending on where you drive and how often you’re on the road, you may be tempted to choose a set of tires with a lower speed rating in order to save a few bucks.

If you have a short commute or don’t do much highway travel, then it may make sense for you to save with a slightly lower speed rating. However, if you spend a lot of time in your car or drive a high-performance vehicle, then you may want to consider a higher speed rating for both better handling and a safer ride overall.

Choose From the Best Selection

The best way to get the best value on your tires is to make sure you’re choosing from the best selection. Many tire shops can only offer what they have available at their location. If there’s a particular tire you want, then you may be out of luck. That means being forced to choose an option you’re not really happy with and pay more than you want.

By working with a tire service that features a wide selection of tires, you can find the right set of tires that works for your budget. Make sure you choose from a variety of the biggest and most popular brands to find the perfect set for your vehicle, instead of settling for what’s available.

Get Your Tires Delivered to Your Door

Now that you’ve found the tires you’re looking for, it’s time to find the best value in getting them installed. The best way to do this is to skip the auto shop altogether! Buy tires online with Tread Connection and find the value you deserve on your next set!







Categories: All Stores, ArrowheadAZ-124, AustinTX-104, BocaRaton-101, BrokenArrowOK-112, CasperWY-137, CharlotteNC-116, ClovisCA-113, ConcordNC-131, coronaNY-117, DC-102, DenverCO-106, DesMoines-134, FlowerMoundTX-140, gallowayoh-139, GastoniaNC-111, GatosCA-128, Gilbert, GreeleyCO-123, GreensboroNC-120, HoustonTX-114, LafayetteLA-118, LancasterPA-130, LubockTX-109, MidlandTX-103, MinneapolisMN-110, MooresvilleNC-105, NorwoodMA-127, RandolphNJ-126, RockHillSC-129, RTP-119, SaltLakeUT-122, SLO-115, SouthDavisUT-136, SouthRenoNV-132, SummerlinNY-133, TampaFL-108, ThorntonCo-138, Uncategorized, WeatherfordTX-125, WilcoTX-121

I’ve heard that it’s not very safe to drive on a plugged tire. Is that true? Why is repairing or replacing a damaged tire a better option than plugging a tire? What are the dangers of driving on a plugged tire?

We’ve all been there before. You wake up or walk to your car after work, only to look down and see a flat tire and a nail sticking out. You don’t have time to take your vehicle into an auto shop and need a quick fix. It’s a small nail, so you plug your tire and go on with your life.

You only meant for the plug to be a temporary solution until you could get the tire replaced. Then life happens, and it’s a few days before you can get a new tire. Those few days turn into months, which can quickly turn into a year. You may start to ask yourself if it’s really safe to drive on a plugged tire.

It turns out that installing a plug can have a serious impact on the life and integrity of your tire. That is if it’s safe to plug your tire at all. Here is what you need to know about plugged tires and how safe it really is to drive on one.

You Can Only Plug Your Tire in Certain Circumstances

The first thing you should consider when plugging a tire is if it’s safe to install a plug in the first place. There are specific cases when it’s safe to use a plug. Outside of these scenarios, driving on a plugged tire could be dangerous to you and other drivers.

Depending on the size of the puncture, the extent of the damage, and the tread of your tire, you may not be able to repair the tire with a plug. The size of the hole must be no larger than 0.25 inches and must be located on the tread of your tire. If the puncture is on the shoulder or sidewall, then you will need to replace the tire.

The angle of the puncture also makes a big difference in the effectiveness of a plug. Ideally, the nail or object that punctured your tire went straight in. This would make a repair fairly straightforward. However, if the tire was punctured at an angle, the plug will have a hard time completely sealing the punctured area. Take note of how the nail or screw looks and the angle that it entered the tire.

The age and quality of your tire is also an important factor in whether or not it can be plugged. If the tread on your tire has been worn below 2/32 of an inch, then your tread is too far gone to be plugged. If you’re wondering how you can measure this, 2/32 of an inch is the amount measured by the classic penny test. Make sure your tire passes the penny test before you even thinking of plugging it. If it doesn’t pass the test, then it’s probably time for a new set of tires anyway.

If you have to ask yourself whether or not your tire can be repaired, that may be a sign that it’s time to move on. A TIA-certified tire technician can inspect your tire and let you know for certain if it’s safe.

An Improper Repair May Void Your Tire Warranty

Another thing to think about when it comes to driving on a plugged tire is how your repair may impact the manufacturer’s warranty on your tire. Improper repair and maintenance is a surefire way to void your warranty. Think twice the next time you consider opting for a DIY approach on your next tire repair.

When it comes to the safety of your vehicle, it’s always best to leave things to the experts. By having your tire repaired by a certified professional, you can be confident your repair is performed properly, and your manufacturer warranty is still “good.”

A Plug May Do More Harm Than Good

The biggest problem with driving on a plugged tire is that you still have a hole in your tire! While it may be a temporary fix, it’s important to recognize that there is still a structural failure in your tire that needs to be addressed.

It only makes sense that a plugged tire cannot handle the same level of stress and strain as a tire in good condition. This is especially true when you start reaching higher speeds on the highway. The manufacturer won’t support a tire’s speed rating once it has been repaired. So, if you plan on racing, off-roading, or just want to go fast, a plugged tire isn’t going to work.

Over time, it’s possible for that small puncture to slowly get larger. This results in a greater loss of air while also increasing your chances of a blowout on a road. Furthermore, the plug itself may fail while you are driving, putting you back where you started.

You’re Better Off Replacing The Tire

In the event of a flat tire from a nail or screw, the best course of action is always to replace the tire. A plug or patch for your tire may help tide you over until you can have it replaced, but it’s important to remember that a plug is meant to be a temporary fix.

While it may be tempting to see how far you can get with a five-dollar repair, the consequences of a plugged tire failing will be much worse than if you had replaced the tire in the first place.

If you just purchased a tire or recently bought a set of expensive tires, it can be a frustrating experience. If this is the case and you hope the tire can be saved, it may be worth it to have it inspected by a professional.

The TIA-certified tire experts at Tread Connection know how to properly diagnose, inspect, and repair flat tires. When you work with Tread Connection for your flat repair, the tire will be removed from the wheel and carefully inspected inside and out. This helps us ensure whether or not it can be safely repaired.

If the tire can be repaired, our team will take care of it for you. In the event that your tire cannot be safely repaired, our team will recommend a replacement from our wide range of tires to find the right one for your needs, and your budget.

Contact Tread Connection for New Tires On Your Schedule

It’s never worth it to gamble when it comes to the safety of you and your vehicle. Don’t try to see how long you can drive on that plugged tire. Have your tire inspected and repaired the right way by the TIA-certified tire experts at Tread Connection.

We bring the tire shop to you and can repair your flat or replace your tire at your home and on your schedule. Schedule your tire service with Tread Connection today!